How Outsourcing Design Can Save You Time and Money
Kelly Fridline Design, LLC Kelly Fridline Design, LLC

How Outsourcing Design Can Save You Time and Money

As small business owners, it’s all too easy for us to believe we have to handle everything themselves. Invoicing. Web Design. Public Relations.

“Self-employed interior designer” often includes a job description that, on any given day, could resemble administrative assistant, CAD expert, accountant, marketing team, web content director, human resource manager...and it doesn’t stop there.

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5 Tips for Starting Your Own Virtual Design Business
Kelly Fridline Design, LLC Kelly Fridline Design, LLC

5 Tips for Starting Your Own Virtual Design Business

Are you thinking of starting your own virtual design business? Are you curious whether you could strike out on your own or take an offline business online?

Maybe you’ve moved to a new city where the design options are limited. Maybe you’re a new parent who’s looking for a way to keep your design skills sharp while allowing for flexibility in your schedule. Or, maybe, you’re eager to find ways to expand your client base and portfolio into a niche area.

Grow Your Opportunities with a Virtual Design Business

Whatever your reason, starting your own virtual design business is a great way to grow your client roster and work with amazing people from all over the globe. You’ll meet designers and professionals from all walks of life –– people you may not have had the chance to meet had you not taken your business online!

Plus, you’ll have the obvious perk of setting your own schedule and discovering the flexibility to work from your home office, the local coffee shop, or even from vacation. As a military spouse, I’ve been able to follow my husband without sacrificing my career. Building my design business online has given me the privilege of continuing to work seamlessly while moving across the country and honing in on my strongest design skills so that I can use those talents to help other designers.

But, you’re probably wondering, “How do I even go about starting a virtual design business?!”

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4 Reasons High-end Rendering Artists May be the Key to Future Design Trends
renderings Kelly Fridline Design, LLC renderings Kelly Fridline Design, LLC

4 Reasons High-end Rendering Artists May be the Key to Future Design Trends

Look to a rendering artist for a pulse on what’s coming up next in interior design and decor.

When you present your clients with 3D renderings by a fellow high-end designer and artist, they’re thrilled to get a peek into how their final project will look. A board full of memos and images is wonderful for envisioning the feel and emotion of the room, but the realistic perspective lets a client dive in and visualize the finished space.

Your usual process may incorporate commissioning upscale, high-resolution renderings to bring your concepts, specs, and finishes to life. But, have you ever thought about sitting down with your rendering artist to chat about what they’re loving in the interior design industry right now? Have you considered that perhaps he or she may hold the key to identifying future design trends?

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Growing As a Designer: Asking for Help When You Need It
TESTIMONIAL Kelly Fridline Design, LLC TESTIMONIAL Kelly Fridline Design, LLC

Growing As a Designer: Asking for Help When You Need It

Throughout our lives, we’re introduced to people who can have positive, or sometimes negative, impacts on us. This is especially true for entrepreneurs. On an all too consistent basis we’re putting ourselves out there, sometimes pushing our normal comfort levels of privacy. I’ll be honest, if someone told be a couple years ago I’d have an active blog I may have rolled my eyes and said yeah right. The truth is, it’s takes going out on your own, building your confidence, and learning to trust your value to realize there is a commodity to your words. And so, I’m going to introduce you to someone who’s changed my professional understanding of my business goals, opportunities, and clientele in the little more than the year that I’ve known her. Who is she you may ask and what does she have to do with renderings, design, and quite possibly my even more narrowed specialty of Chief Architect and Home Designer training? My colleague, mentor, and COACH is Nancy Ganzekaufer, Business Coach to Interior Designers….

I’ll be a guest on her weekly Facebook show, ‘Weekend Wine Down’ at 4:30pm in her FB Group ‘The Interior Design Business Forum’ , February 12, 2019. During that show, I’ll be making a BIG announcement that you won’t want to miss, so please join her group and put it on your calendar!

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The Benefits of Hiring an Architecturally Trained Virtual Design Assistant & Rendering Artist
renderings Kelly Fridline Design, LLC renderings Kelly Fridline Design, LLC

The Benefits of Hiring an Architecturally Trained Virtual Design Assistant & Rendering Artist

Recently, the market for Virtual Design Assistants (VDA) and Rendering Artists has become more available than ever before. As the world of design is becoming a close knit community, via social media and collaborative dashboards like and MyDoma, it can be difficult to weed through all the professional resources. Instagram feeds, Facebook groups, and Google search results all add that extra layer of stress when looking for right the team member. 

So, with all these opportunities, testimonials, and connections how do you know you’re making the right choice?

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